Ever had trouble getting your cane to stand still when you need your hands? This magnetic cane clip will help hold it up, allowing you to use your hands for fun and useful things like holding railings, paying at a till, or drawing your sword to fend off pirates.
Don't put the magnets near your wallet. Most cards these days use a chip, but still, these are strong magnets. You know how much it sucks to hobble to a hotel rook only to find out your key card doesn't work? I do. Not from this, but from a haunted hotel work keeps booking me at. Long story.
Comes in a ton of colors. Serioutly, so many. I'm only listing the ones I usually have in stock, but can likely do special requests for a specific color. I am limited by what kind of filament I have availible, but in general have dozens of colors in stock. Black will be shipped the fastest, because I'll already have those made.
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